Payment Methods



Cost per transaction € 0.00

With iDeal allows you trusted, secure and easily your online purchases. You pay in your trusted Internet payment, based on the security measures of your own bank. The amount will be credited directly with us.

Upon payment of the order, you can specify that you want to pay with iDEAL. Click on the iDEAL payment button and select your bank. You will then be directed to your own bank where the payment order is ready for you. You will be asked to fill in some details by your bank and you authorize the payment.

The amount is debited directly from your account and Cheese At Home will be informed that your order has been paid.


Cost per transaction € 0.25 plus 2.8% of the total

Credit card is pretty much the best known method for making payments with worldwide coverage. You can pay among other well-known brands MastercardVisaMaestro and Visa Electron.


Cost per transaction € 0.25

A transfer is the most standard way to pay. Anyone with access to Internet banking has the ability to pay in this way. Through its own trusted banking environment you can make a payment to our needs.

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